Wednesday, August 18, 2010


These days I can't help but wake up at odd times sniffling and trying to itch the back of my throat with my tongue. I woke up this morning at 5:30 am to swallow garlic and nibble on some onion in order to receive an anti-histamine effect. I also ate an apple, grapes, peanut butter and honey in an attempt to combat the yucky aftertaste. I also felt that I deserved a sweet treat for having to deal with such agony. I went back to bed at 6:00 am but awoke again at 8:00 am due to more allergic reactions and completed the same sequence. I then awoke at 10:30 am feeling full so I had a mug of coffee, which also worked as an anti-inflammatory agent.

 A splash of So Nice Original was all she needed!

I decided today would be a great day to complete a few sections of my blog. While filling out a few pages, I felt I needed some nourishment and quickly whipped up a green monster.

 2 handfuls spinach, 1/2 cup Isoflex chocolate protein powder, 1/3 banana, 4 ice cubes, water = Yummo.

I believe my wisdom tooth is growing in =( The far top left portion of my jaw is throbbing. I would really hate to have to get my top two wisdom teeth removed. I had my bottom two removed several years ago. My top right wisdom tooth grew in about a year ago and thankfully hasn't been bugging me.

Lunch was quite nice. A Classic. Grilled chicken salad baby!

 Mmm, always a pleasure!

The boyfriend and I went for a trip to get a gift for a birthday gift for one of my friends. It was nice to hang out and enjoy a summer evening with him. We went to Indigo where we looked through tons of cool reads. Still reading Sophie's World, so I didn't bother to pick anything up.

I'm quite embarrassed to say this but dinner was the same as lunch, bok-bok ;)

 Regardless of the fact, it was amazing.

I did a bodyrock workout again. I was going to do the Get Hot Cardio Workout, but I realized I didn't have enough time so I stopped at the 500 reps of high knees and just did the OMG Sexy Body Workout instead.

Anywho, I'm pooped and I have to work in the morning. I almost smell a yoga class too!

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