It's been way too long since I've posted! I recently started school, causing my blog posts to greatly decline. I really miss blogging! School has really taken up a huge chunk of my time! I haven't been able to prepare foods as efficiently as I did during the summer. There would be several days which I had literally no time to prepare proper meals, which forced me to consume vast amounts of SIABs and green monsters seeing as those are super fast and easy to make.
This morning's breakfast was actually a SIAB as well. I didn't have any salad leftover, so I figured I could quickly get some greens in my breakfast by whipping up one of these.
Quite the pretty-coloured breakfast! I blended this SIAB with beet leaves, which gave it some lovely colour. I used about 1 1/2 cups beet leaves, 1 cup spinach, 1/4 banana, 1/2 scoop Isoflex chocolate whey protein, 1 chopped medium apple and chopped peanuts, almonds and pecans for some crunch!
After breakfast, I got ready for school. I had an Evolutionary Psychology class, which was rather interesting. After a short lecture, I headed home and got ready for MMA class. I whipped up a random snack that consisted of tofu and peanut butter, which I did not photograph as I was sort of rushing!
After class, I got home and made some zucchini fettuccine, which I mixed with tomato sauce and chicken breast I had leftover from the other day. I also decided to boil some corn to enjoy on the side as well.
Goat cheese was added along with some avocado, which I sneaked in after taking this picture ;)
After dinner, it was time to create my mass production of salad to get me through the week - or about 3 days of it, haha.
Spinach, tomatoes, red peppers, yellow peppers, carrots, celery, soy bean sprouts, soybeans, apples, chives, parsley, cucumbers and mushrooms.
I must say, I'm quite impressed with the new Blogger. I can perform multiple uploads, as well as write beneath pictures without adding an HTML code underneath an image. Perhaps my time away was a good thing?
Time to hit the hay for another day of school tomorrow. Goodnight!
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